An incident responder who's seeking opportunities to work in technology company!
Operator in Cookie Han Hoan
Admin in Cyber Mely, CyberSpace
Forensic at @World Wide Flags

OSCTF 2024 - Forensic

Hi guys, this time I joined HITCON CTF with my team: World Wide Union, but because of no forensic challenges, I had to go here and try to solve some challenges. Now it’s my writeup for them, let’s go!

The Lost Image Mystery

They gave us a corrupted image and we need to recover it. I used xxd to check hex values inside:


You can guess easily it must be JPG or JPEG file because of …IF. From here you can use this list to check the signature for the file:


Use hexedit to edit hex value, open the file again and enjoy your result:


Flag: OSCTF{W0ah_F1l3_h34D3r5}

The Hidden Soundwave

We got an audio file, and as the title, you need to find hidden information inside the audio file. Very basic, I always check spectrogram because it appeared in many CTFs 😂😂😂. From here I used audacity to open audio file, change to spectrogram view and I got the flag:


Flag: OSCTF{M3s54g3_1nt3Rc3p7eD}

Mysterious Website Incident

Now we had a nginx log, and very simple, we just open in text editor and analyse it:


After searching, I found a GG drive link, open it and I got the flag:



Flag: OSCTF{1_c4N_L0g!}

Phantom Script Intrusion

For this challenge, they gave us a PHP code, and it was obfucated:


To make it easier to follow, I deobfucated it and this is my final script:

${"GLOBALS"} = "hXXps://sh0rturl.at/s1fW2";
${"var1"} = str_rot13("${\"\\x47\\x4c\\x4f\\x42\\x41\\x4c\\x53\"}");
${"var2"} = base64_decode(${${"var1"}});
if (strlen(${"var2"}) > 0) {
    ${"var3"} = ${"var2"};
} else {
    ${"var3"} = "";
${"var4"} = "";
foreach (str_split(${"var3"}) as ${"var5"}) {
    ${"var4"} .= chr(ord(${"var5"}) - 1);

There’s a shorturl link, access it and got the flag:


Flag: OSCTF{M4lW4re_0bfU5CAt3d}

PDF Puzzle

Just check the metadata of the file => get the flag:


Flag: OSCTF{H3il_M3taD4tA}

Seele Vellorei

In this challenge we had a docx file. At first I tried to find out VBA code inside, but there’s nothing, so I think maybe flag was hidden somewhere inside the file. Because word structure is same with zip file, you can use binwalk to extract all files inside:


Navigate to document.xml where content of file was stored, use grep and I found the flag:


Flag: OSCTF{V3l10n4_1s_Gr43t}


I love this challenge most, so I will explain it carefully. In this challenge we had a zip file contains datas inside an User directory. I opened it by 7z:


After searching, I found an .eml file at \Users\Administrator\Downloads\Outlook Files named Notifications.eml:


I extracted it to my machine and use ThunderBird to open the file:


You can see that there’s a zip file and the password is CreditsCardForFree. Now let’s open this file and see what inside:


There’s a xlsm file, and as usual, I always check VBA code inside by using olevba:


You can see that there’s a VBA code and it’s obfucated, and we don’t any choice except deobfucate it by your hand or you can read code by Ctrl+F+the_name_of_func. After this I found that function will process a string looks like URL:



From here I can realise that our function are trying to decode that string. Based on their function, I rewrote a Python script for automatic decoding:

def decode_string(encoded_string, decode_table, encoded_substitution):
    decoded_string = ""
    for y in range(len(encoded_string)):
        char_index = decode_table.find(encoded_string[y])
        if char_index > -1:
            decoded_char = encoded_substitution[char_index]
            decoded_string += decoded_char
            decoded_string += encoded_string[y]
    return decoded_string
encoded_string = "ܳ³Bb://B_b³Ekài~B#/jàEÄ/²_Ä/À60äm_§À"
decode_table = " ?!@#$%^&*()_+|0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.,-~ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ¿¡²³ÀÁÂĂÄÅÓÔƠÖÙÛÜàáâăäåض§Ú¥"
encoded_substitution = "ăXL1lYU~Ùä,Ca²ZfĂ@dO-cq³áƠsÄJV9AQnvbj0Å7WI!RBg§Ho?K_F3.Óp¥ÖePâzk¶ÛNØ%G mÜ^M&+¡#4)uÀrt8(Sw|T*Â$EåyhiÚx65Dà¿2ÁÔ"
decoded_string = decode_string(encoded_string, decode_table, encoded_substitution)


I got a link, now let’s open it and see what inside:


You can see that there’s a Powershell script and it will execute a command that was encoded by base64. Now we continue to decode base64 string:


There’s a base64 string again. I decoded it and got one more script:


In $galf variable, it will take each elements in $qwedfaz and decode it to ascii character. From here I wrote a Python script again:

arr = [104,116,116,112,115,58,47,47,112,97,115,116,101,98,105,110,46,112,108,47,118,105,101,119,47,114,97,119,47,98,100,99,97,49,55,48,50]

for i in arr:
    print(chr(i), end='')


I got a link again, opened it and I got the flag:


Flag: OSCTF{JU5t_n0rmal_eXE1_f113_w1th_C2_1n51De}

Thank you for watching, hope you enjoy this. I solved other challenges but I still love forensic so I just wrote writeup for it 😂😂😂. See you in other CTFs, bye!!!

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